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【Singapore News】Implementation of ART Station Against Covid-19

Created on:2021-08-17

On 10th August 2021, Singapore Circle Line 6 C885 Project set up an ART (Antigen Rapid Test) Station for the prevention against Covid-19 epidemic.


The station offers additional ART to all CRTG staff on top of the government mandate of 14 Days RRT (Rostered Routine Testing). With the ART, the test routine will be reduced to 7 days and the project can detect any infected person in 15 minutes.



In pilot phase, there are six Chinese and Singaporean staff appointed as the first batch of ART Supervisors working at the station. C885 is the one of the earliest to implement ART in all of LTA (Land Transport Authority) projects.


On the first day, the ACE (the Assurance, Care and Engagement Group, a new MOM division) officers visited the station and gave it high evaluation.



The ART kit includes one swab stick, one reagent tube and one test device. In pilot phase, all ART kits are provided by BCA (Building and Construction Authority).


Anyone can use ART kit to detect the virus by himself without undergoing any training. The self-swab procedure includes 14 steps as shown below and takes 15 minutes to achieve results.


Recently, there is a spike in Covid-19 cases. Singapore reported a total of 66,172 Covid-19 cases as of Aug 15. Moreover, several worker dormitories occurred conformed cases in the past days.


For vaccination, in Singapore, there are 4,485,559 people who has at least administered their first dose, 4,071,978 people completed full vaccination regimen, total of 8,429,249 doses were administered as of 12 Aug 2021. Those who opt for Sinovac, Sinopharm Covid-19 vaccines listed on the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) Emergency Use Listing (EUL) will be also considered fully vaccinated.


ART is an additional step of risk mitigation measure to reduce risk of transmission from community into and/or within CMP (Construction, Marine and Process) worksites, so that workers can continue to work safely.


There are nearly 300 workers work at C885 site during the peak time. “ART is our powerful weapon against the Covid-19 virus. It enables us to focus on the project quality and progress. On the other hand, the mental health of migrant workers are also of our priority concern. Some of them were not able to go home for more than 2 years due to pandemic. We celebrated their holidays together and make themselves feel at home.” C885 Project Director said.


Also, CRTG complies with all requirements for Safe Management Measures at the workplace from the government. We appointed SMOs(Safe Management Officers) and SDOs (Safe Distancing Officers), made and published C885 project SMM, established the TOLQ (Temporary Occupancy License Quarters) for housing workers, divided staff by the different Teams (Team A, Team B) , staggered and segmented their scope of work, set up ART Station for virus detection in the shortest period of time, etc.


(Editor: Magdalene Lim; Proofreader: Fang Hua)