【Domestic News】CRTG Employee of 2019 Successfully Completed Their Orientation Training
It seems that you were the selected, but actually the ones to choose.
In this summer, you took off student outfits, walked out of the campus and became a CRTO staff. Together with every member of the CRTO, we form a joint effort to alter the world.
In the past training days, you have successfully transformed yourself from a student to a professional and officially joined CRTO as a big family.
A profound friendship has been established over this period, and now let’s review our precious moments ever since.
CRTG International
Avic Tower,
East Third Ring Road B 10,
Chaoyang District, Beijing City, P. R. China
Email: info@crtg.cn
No.2 (Self-Made), West Side of Gongye 4th Road,
Mingzhuwanqibu Area,
Nansha District,
Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, P. R. China
Tunnelling to Link the World
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