The Design, Development, Manufacture, Procurement, Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning, Warranty and Maintenance of the Systems of the Red Line Project(Israel)
The Design, Development, Manufacture, Procurement, Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning, Warranty and Maintenance of the Systems of the Red Line Project(Israel)¥ 0.00立即购买
Systems for Red Line Project Exercise of the Additional Works Options(Israel)
Systems for Red Line Project Exercise of the Additional Works Options(Israel)¥ 0.00立即购买
The Design Build of Two Bored (TBM) Single Track Tunnels and the Construction of Station Boxes for the Red Line Project(Israel)
The Design Build of Two Bored (TBM) Single Track Tunnels and the Construction of Station Boxes for the Red Line Project(Israel)¥ 0.00立即购买
CRTG International
Avic Tower,
East Third Ring Road B 10,
Chaoyang District, Beijing City, P. R. China
No.2 (Self-Made), West Side of Gongye 4th Road,
Mingzhuwanqibu Area,
Nansha District,
Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, P. R. China
Tunnelling to Link the World
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